Saturday, November 11, 2006

Another first in Singapore?

The unique rear spoiler again...

Basically it's bolted on to the stock spoiler. However, you need to custom fit it to the spoiler to get the correct angle and drill two holes. As such, you need to leave your original spoiler there for fitting.

Since we could not bring our stock spoiler and leave it there and there as not enough time to order a new set, the boss agreed to let us take his spoiler first instead! Great!!!

So.... it's on the way to Singapore!! Bet it goes well as Orange (matching with blue), even if you don't want to respray it. Another first and only in Singapore and definitely very fierce on a blue Kenstyle Wish that I know.


p.s. Notice the very nice shark fin antenna? No more problem with the antenna bending forward when you open the trunk. Original Toyota.

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