Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Sub woofer enclosure

This is probably what Raymond is going to install in his car. Customised fibreglass subwoofer enclosure. This is the raw unit.

When fitted, it sits flushed with the boot enclosure and the sides level up pretty nicely. There is even a slot for the right boot light. Obviously the boot light will have to be relocated outwards. A small modification that's easily done.

This design allows the the seats to be used without obstruction, as can be seen from the photos. However, you will not be able to access the toolkit on the right compartment so easily. Also, the Original Toyota Touneau Cover will no longer be an option as the original intended storage when not in use will now be occupied by the subwoofer footprint.

When completely installed, this is what it looks like. If I recall correctly, it takes up to 2 X 8 inch subwoofer. This version from Thailand seems to takes 2 X 10 inch subwoofer. Might be an overkill.

Wonder if it's too much bass and the rear passengers will find it too uncomfortable? Can't wait to see the real thing.


1 comment:

Dave said...

Hi, do you know if these are still available and where I could buy one online?