Monday, May 08, 2006

Mod culture

Just about in every country, there are car fanatics who are interested to modifying (MOD) their cars. Some for power and performance, other just for a more unique look. And some of these modification are EXTREME!!! The car hardly looks recognizable from the original stock version. I've seen quite a few examples in Thailand and here a Toyota Wish from Japan with 'gull wings' doors.

For those in Singapore, the stringent LTA ruling on vehicle modification pretty much curtailed the opportunities for most car owners (except for a brave few). As such, most of the MOD fans here have been reduced to dolling their rides with add on accessories and a few parts replacement such as crank pully, strut bars, filters and coolers. Nothing radical like their overseas counterparts. Besides, the numerous road humps and speed bumps are a killer for most body kits. What a shame.

So effectively, there is really no car modification culture here, just car personalisation through accessories. Boring!


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